Grow, nurture & engage your fans

We help organisations nurture, engage and grow their fanbase through the power of data, technology & insight.

 We know fans

metafan empowers clubs and brands with data, technology and insights to leverage the 4R’s of personalisation to engage and connect with fans one-on-one.

Identify both known and unknown fans and prospects through data from CRM, DMP device, social and other sources.

Reach fans with the right marketing, offer, content or product recommendations for the fan based on their actions, preferences and interests.

Manage fans with the 4 Rs - recognise, remember, relevance and recommend.

Knowing your fan’s history means not just knowing what they buy, view and consume, but also why they make those decisions.

Delivering personalisation within the context of the fan experience, such as who they are, where they are, recent events and/or what time of year it is.


We help you engage your fans

  • REDUCE the cost of marketing, technology and services for managing memberships and fan data

    CONNECT ecommerce, memberships, attendance, memberships and social data.

    IMPROVE the quality and security of data management and use to deliver better value

  • GROW and retain memberships through personalised one to one marketing

    CONVERT fans from social supporters into paid up members.

    • INCREASE sponsorship value and fan engagement through targeted marketing across all channels.

  • • CREATE new revenue from fan and member data.

    • GENERATE incremental tickets sales, attendance, advertising and membership sales.

    • PROTECT club data and fan privacy by leveraging best of breed technology solutions.

    • DELIVER a better ROI for sponsors and advertisers using fan insights.

Find out how we can help you.